October 2, 2012

Iridescent Foil Gives Exterior Unique Color Scheme

Project: La Defense
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Architects: UN Studio
Completion: 2004

Built in the Netherlands’ youngest city, on land only recently developed, sits a building like no other. While the street-facing portion of the La Defense office complex remains quite tamed in its attempt to blend harmoniously with its surroundings, the inner courtyards showcase UN Studio’s love for spectacular color combinations.

Applied to the exterior glass cladding, varicolored foil transforms the curtainwall into an ornate pattern of sun-reflecting panels. The applied foil is comprised of dichroic film with specialized crystals that allow for its reflective properties.

Prismatic in nature and covering a wide color spectrum, the panels reflect different shades of blues, greens, reds, purples and yellows, offering new perspectives at every angle. The complex is comprised of two buildings that vary in height and color orientation depending on viewpoint and time of day.

photos © Christian Richters via UN Studio

information © UN Studio

DISCLAIMER: This project does not feature ALPOLIC Materials. The Architecture, Design and Sustainability sections of our blog are for global projects that we find remarkable.