July 16, 2012

Ornate Ceramic Tile Facade Created by 3LHD

Location: Rijeka, Croatia
Architects: 3LHD
Construction: 2007-2009

Stretching from north to south, the “ribbon like” Zamet Centre forms a public square in which functionality and aesthetics are simultaneously achieved. The ribbons themselves function as a zoning system for the park on the north side and school and the main street on the south.

Used for major international sports competition, the 181,156 square ft. multi-functioning center has an auditorium, local community office, city library, commercial and service facilities, and garage.

Designed by architectural firm 3LHD, the exterior of the building is covered in pentagonal ceramic tiles. Using mute colors, 3LHD created an ornate façade that catches natural light at every angle. A bird’s eye view reveals the name “Zamet Centre” concealed within the elaborate ceramic design.

images courtesy of © Damir Fabijanic via Archilovers

information © 3LHD Architects and Archilovers

DISCLAIMER: This project does not feature ALPOLIC Materials. The Architecture, Design and Sustainability sections of our blog are for global projects that we find remarkable.